Paweł Abramowicz

Curriculum vitæ

location · Szczecin, Poland

e-mail ·

website ·

phone · +48 691 070 279


Krajowy Integrator Płatności S.A. – Tpay



senior PHP developer

  • working on a system handling hundreds of thousands of financial transactions every day
  • REST API design and development
  • high performance and availability required from the system
  • lead development on peak performance optimisation with a target of ten thousand transactions in a minute; without changing the underlying data structure we achieved 33 thousand transactions per minute while shortening request time up to 12x; suggested future changes to reach 50 thousand tpm while shortening the request time by further 30%
  • introduced event sourcing in a subsystem requiring the ability to audit where each piece of data came from, as well as allowing us to retrieve the data quickly for preview; hosted an internal workshop on event sourcing and the solution details
  • feedback for product teams (ideas to make the product 'really pop' in the next iteration and new products which could be built using existing components)
  • co-proposed and took part in a workshop on event storming, a method to discover and concretise domain knowledge
  • tech highlights: Symfony, MySQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, Kafka, microservices and distributed monoliths, Docker, Ansible
  • working with legacy code as well as creating new microservices in a strangler fig pattern

Contract work



PHP developer (contractor)

  • working in international teams for clients in Switzerland (Jobtome), Germany (AboutYou) and Lithuania (Nord Security)
  • working on mid and big data systems (billions of records)
  • high performance and availability required from the systems
  • REST API design and development
  • employing cryptographic systems in projects using libsodium library
  • feedback for product teams (using the developed system and noticing problem points)
  • tech highlights: Symfony, Laravel and Slim-based projects, API Platform, MySQL, Redis, react-admin, microservices and distributed monoliths

Divante S.A.



senior PHP developer

  • working on OpenLoyalty, a loyalty program management system
  • high performance and availability required from the system
  • REST API design and development
  • tech highlights: Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, Symfony, CQRS sp. z o. o.



PHP developer

  • working on new application's API and a content marketing system
  • high concurrency & reliability
  • tech highlights: Redis, XML APIs, PostgreSQL, Symfony, Drupal




PHP developer

  • working on a programming learning app, webinar selling platform, multimedia delivery
  • tech highlights: Redis, XML APIs, PostgreSQL, Symfony, Drupal


Wrocław University of Science and Technology


  • MSc in computer science
  • president of Online Systems Developers scientific circle
  • member of scientific circle (machine learning, neural networks, computer vision)
  • thesis: Algorithm for pseudo-random number generation based on movements of microorganisms
  • 2nd place in University's English Language Tournament


PHP 7.4 & 8.3REST APIs design & JSONSymfony


HTML 5 & CSS 3WordPressLaravelSlim


Pythonvanilla JSjQueryMySQLPostgreSQL


RabbitMQKafkaDjangoFlaskVueReact and react-admin

PHP 7.4 & 8.3 Python MySQL & MariaDB PostgreSQL REST APIs design & JSON Symfony Laravel Slim RabbitMQ Kafka HTML 5 CSS 3 (vanilla) JS jQuery Vue React & react-admin WordPress·
Linux SSH · TDD in both scrum & waterfall · Slack


I actively take part in education efforts to help students of all ages and ways of life fulfill their potentials.

I think that it is the duty of all people to share the knowledge they found – because of that I help organize and lead bootcamps and workshops regarding programming in Python, PHP and JS, basics of user interfaces and user experience, and I support multiple educational events, such as MTT maths competition for high schools or TEDxPolitechnikaWroclawska conference.


Beside Polish, my native language, I write and speak English quite fluently.

I am also learning German, Ukrainian and Russian, and I can read and write a bit of all three.

I hereby give consent for my personal data included in the application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment processes during which I have sent this document.